Thursday, August 19, 2010

Raising children

Raising children is like raising ourselves. ( someone said ). I think this is very true. As parents go through all stages of maturity & different thinking when raising their children & communicating with them. Trying their best, they mature along with them. 
    Is this right ? Is it absolute ?
Does all children / parents benefit this chance ?
Do children give this opportunity of growth ?

Let me here your views ...

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    thanks for sharing your blog address on the positive parenting forums. I responded to a post there- Allan.
    There is plenty of resources on the internet. I advocate the CPS collaborative problem solving approach , a working with approach and not a doing to approach. This helps one to be more aware of the contribution we make to the parent-child dynamic and more aware of ourselves. Raising ourselves , raising our children is the name of a book by Naomi Aldort . I recently decided to blog my respones and writing on parenting and education
    check posts - children do well if they can , CPS videos
