Sunday, June 17, 2018

Your imagination shapes you

Your imagination shapes your life. In other words, the way you think is going to affect the way you feel, and the way you feel is going to affect the way you act. And if you want to change the way you act you need to change the way you think. 

The Bible says in Proverbs 23:7, “For as a man thinks in his heart, so he is”(KJV). It is God’s way of saying he wants you to understand that how he works in your life is through your thoughts. 

For instance, the person who says, “I can’t do this,” and the person who says, “I can do this,” are both right. Because if you think you can’t, you can’t. And if you think you can, you can. When someone says, “I just can’t imagine that ever happening to me,” it won’t. Why? Because you’re already creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Your life is shaped by your thoughts. Your imagination has the power to push you forward or hold you back. Fill your mind with God-thoughts and move forward in his plan for you!


God, I want to use my imagination to dream the dream that you’ve put in my heart. I want a great life built on a great dream. Help me to trust you and shape my life by your dreams for me. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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