Monday, September 27, 2010

Positive Thinking

I've recently read about positive thinking & how it gives a clear head, better memory, helps make sound decisions, thus be able to deal with different situations, but the most important it gives a better and clearer view for life and makes you able to see the good out of the bad situations.
Here's how to begin:
1.  Whenever possible associate with positive people.
2.   Ask a question.
3.   Keep a list of long and short term goals.
4.   Do a good thing (favour, service, words..) for someone every day.
5.   Smile. Simles keep people attracted to you.

How to think positive.  Practice makes perfect.
I'll give you few ideas..... tomorrow.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

When to Pray

It's better always to pray, than only to pray when it rains, not only when the sun shines.
Good & bad times are the same. Need same time to pray.  Pray for the wheather, pray for the seeds & the forsts including all creatures in it, for all the poor feind their food there. Pray for the weak & the strong. Pray for The healthy & the sick.   Pray evry time & for evrything.
Prayer keeps us better tuned to what's good for us, know it by our hearts & souls.

People reaction to Life

Sometimes I wonder, why people are so angry, upset, & even lament life for their living conditions. Despite all the blessings they have; considerable money, spouse, kids, health...etc. 
But, because of only one little problem they may face, it's the end of the world. All blessings are forgotten, & it's almost depression.


Friday, September 3, 2010

Raising Teens

It's very difficult & uncomfortable to see your teen daughter leaving you & attracted to her peers sharing their ideas, behaviour, way of living, &...etc., which are not up to the right religious, social & health standards. Being their friend & wanting to be always among them, will affect her judgement & weighing of different situations. This may cause drifting away from good, religious or social safe shore.

How could families protect their children ? Or , this isn't called protection? It is over from parents ?